Genting Highland

Thursday, September 27, 2007 ; 12:23 PM

So my semester holiday, start off with the Genting Highland trip with a bunch of monkeys.
Muahahaha joking only, you all don't get angry wor...
So after celebrated my Honey Venica's Birthday yesterday, we went up on 20th Sept 2007!
Too bad I need to separate go with all of them, because I follow my mother went there 1st.

So the 1st day...
Reach there and call up Xiao Mei Chun Lee and ask where are them.
OMFG they still haven't reach yet and just start to take bus.
Okay fine, after settle everything in Hotel Genting, I follow my mother went to Restaurant Coffee Terrace to have some lunch.
It's buffet type of lunch.
Cost about Rm40 per person.
Luckily my mother was there that time so I no need to pay, muahahaha!
The food there were great.
Everything were cook on the spot on demand of what u want.
They've Local Favourite, Chinese Food, Japanese Food, Western Food, Nyonya Food, and a lot more.

Hotel Genting!

Local Favourites





On the spot...LOL!

2 chefs cooking for customers...

They reached and contacted me, but I'm still enjoying...Haha!
So all of them went to KFC and had their lunch.
After awhile, I'm completely full, but they're still eating.
Then my mother went back home.
So I need to wait for them to come meet me in Hotel Genting.

So here I meet all of them.
Who will be staying for 2 nights...
That's Ah Yee, Wy Min, Bobo, Kiki, Gavin(Kiki's bf), Ah Loo, Chun Lee, Ah Meng, Zhong Jai, Yi Pey, and Ashley!
Wow they bring a lot of luggages, all of their luggages except Ah Loo were far more bigger than mine...Muahahahaha!
So we will going to live in 2 hotel rooms which is connected and linked together.
It's so convenient since we can just walk into their room...KAKAKA!
Play few rounds of mahjong since they bring it along...

After we put in our luggages, it's time to go out!
The 1st place we go, of course it's First World...
Play some of the arcade game there.
Very unluckly, because almost all the machines I played it's spoil.
I was WTF emotion...
Just keep on playing, I don't care!
Then we go for bowling, found out I'm not that good as last time already.

Arcade Time!

Thx to Zhong Jai for helping me take this...LOL!

Next, we went to X-Pedition Wall Climbing.
Loo said it's quite fun playing that.
So Zhong Jai, Loo, and me going to try that.
At 1st I feel nervous since I didn't play that before.
Okay, here we go, climb climb climb...
Zhong Jai was the 1st person to fall, then follow by me, and then Loo.
I stuck at a place up there, because I can't manage to grab the so called rock.
No idea on how to get up to top, maybe due to my thin body, muahahahaha!

Then it's time to find something to do...
We went to Snow World to have some fun!
It's the 1st time I'm going in there after so many time visited Genting Highland.
The temperature on that day it's -5, very OMFG!
Had snow war inside there, in the end, everyone get WET!

A little girl with us in Snow World...HAHA!

Night time, we need to think what to eat for our dinner.
It's a hard decision since Genting's foods are damn expensive.
We decide to eat in Sushi King.
Have my set meal there, look nice and tasty.
It's not bad, still good, boleh tahan lah, Sushi King wor...Haha!

Dinner Time!

Dinner in Sushi King!

After that, nothing much we could do...
We plan to go out to take some funny photo.
Ya it's really funny since the Director it's BLENDED!!!
We did a lot of weird stuff out there. Muahahaha!
Next, everyone get back to room and sleep.
Heard that Yi Pey take our photo while we're asleep, damn it!

I'm throwing the cap...

Nah I'm getting it back!

Act Cool after getting it back...HaHa!

The Night Stalkers!

Wah who's sleeping there!?

The 2nd day...
Sure it's Outdoor Theme Park time lah!
Albert, Suh Jien, and Mojojojo on the way from KL to find us.
The 1st thing we play it's a kidz's stuff!
We ride the horse and pusing pusing don't know for what...
I think it's the warm up part...
Then we play a lot of thing in outdoor.

The most exciting part is...
Loo challenge Zhong Jai to play Coffee Cup with him.
Then both of them play it!
The result, Zhong Jai kena owned by Coffee Cup.
He felt damn dizzy after playing it.
He can't do any shit after playing that. Muahahaha! Pity him...
Oh by the way, Albert, Suh Jien, and Mojojojo meet us in Outdoor Theme Park already.
We even tried the Flying Coaster, the feeling of become Superman! Kaka!

After that it's time for me to try Space Shot!
It looks like very terrible.
At 1st I don't feel like playing it, but I kena persuade by Suh Jien and others, ahhh HELP ME!
It's feel so exciting playing Space Shot.
The moment it drop u down, you can't even feel of sitting on the seat.
Then roller coaster time, we need to drag that Albert to play it!
Since he doesn't dare to play it at all.
He keep screaming NoNoNo!!!
In the end he need to play too...Muahahaha!

Funny thing come, Ah Yee(Blended) doesn't scare to play those exciting stuff.
And she is the calm type person, which mean she won't scream or scare while playing roller coaster, flying coaster, etc...
But, when we ride that Ferris Wheel, OMFG, she scare like SHIT!
She keeps holding it kuat kuat, here I take the chance and manages to take some pics of her!
But too bad she doesn't allow me to post it up...Muahahaha!
Her face just like very "WTF I'm on this SHIT! Help me out!"

There are still a lot thing, such as we went into Dinosaur Land...
And we've capture a lot of pictures on that day...
So 6pm already, it's time to say goodbye to MoJoJoJo...
Since she wouldn't stay with us that day.
But then Albert and Suh Jien decide to stay with us until tomorrow.
Then Albert and Ah Loo accompany MoJoJoJo take cable car back to bus station.
Hope they enjoy the ride there...Hehe!

Warm up?


On Pirate Ship


Ahhh help me out! LOL!

OMG! So many people waiting for the phone huh?

In Dinosaur Land, riding boat...

T-Rex ahhh!!!

Oh ya here the addition part...
On the 2nd day, I've taken photo with Energizer battery.
It's in different spot in theme park, muahahaha...
Other than that, I found it inside First World too.
Wondering how many Energizer battery I've take...Haha!
Let me ask you all a question, try to guess how many Energizer battery in Genting Highland.
Even myself not sure about the amount, muahahaha!

1st Energizer!

2nd Energizer...HAHA!

3rd, inside First World...LOL!

A special one...Hahaha!

All together with the biggest Energizer in Genting Highland!

Opps! This is Ronald McDonald...LOL!

Here come the 3rd day which is the last day of our trip.
Went to look for something to eat...
Here come KFC again.
If I'm not wrong this is the 3rd time we eat KFC.
Hahaha...After that, travel around in Genting Highland before we get back.
Went to play bowling and X-Pedition Wall Climb again.
Arghhh I stuck in the same place again.
Too bad...Wondering next time I could conquer it or not...

KFC Meal!

Okay, it's time to say goodbye to Genting Highland.
It's a nice trip for all of us.
Sorry for miss out information.
Because I can't remember much and need to wait for the pictures.

After I get back to KL, I need to go for another trip with my Honey!
I've only 1 day to rest.
It's trip to Pangkor Island!
It's the best trip ever, I need to get back all those pictures.
So I can post about it in the next post, wait me ya...

All Of Us, All The Best!

Copyright © Derrick. 2007 All Rights Reserved

Happy Birthday to my Love

Thursday, September 20, 2007 ; 2:43 AM

Yay today at last all my exam were finish! At least I can relax myself now! No need to do revision until late night!

By the way, its been a long time since I last update my old blog! I think is about 3 months ago! Muahahaha! Now my blog come out with the new design... Hope it's attractive! We're Breaking Free!

Okay back to the topic. Today is my lover, Venica @ Wai Kwan 19th Birthday! Too bad in the afternoon I need to attend for examination. But after my examination, my classmates and me included kIdDo @ Chee Seng going to have a little suprise celebration for her. It seems like a normal dinner that we usually had at night.

We went to Kaki's Corner to have the celebration. After a whole lame conversation and food makaning... Ta Daa here come the suprise cake as usual suprise celebration, muahahahaha! As I know, my dear Venica @ Wai Kwan seriously doesn't know that we will do that, because she thought we're busy for the examination and forgot about her. And I even told her I didn't prepare any present for her. Then here come the gold box and she asked me "Who buy this present?" OMG! That's me lah! HAHAHA!

Then here come the blurr photo taking session. After that, Myke @ Course-Rep taking out something from Xai Mui @ Chun Lee's bag. Oh ya a small little handmade birthday card without my name. My honey facial expression was like "WTF!?" After that Xiao Mei @ Chun Lee take out the actual present for her.

Even though all this were quite simple, but I hope you(Darling Venica @ Wai Kwan) will like it. Everything seems to be so rush because of the examination. Here I would like to wish you again, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to MY LOVE, VENICA! HOPE OUR LOVE LAST AND NEVER DIE @ H.O.L.L.A.N.D

Birthday Cake(BEFORE)

Birthday Cake(AFTER)



Happy Family,
From Top Left = Gu Jai, Xai Lou
From Bottom Left = Mui Fu???, Xai Mui, Dear-Dear, Me

All of us, Ham Ka Fook(Chuen Ka Fook)!

Copyright © Derrick. 2007 All Rights Reserved


Monday, September 17, 2007 ; 8:47 PM


Copyright © Derrick. 2007 All Rights Reserved


Sunday, September 16, 2007 ; 2:36 AM

Muahahaha it's been a damn long time since i last update this lame blog!
Give me some time...
I think it's almost 3 months i didnt update it...
COMING SOON new update!

Copyright © Derrick. 2007 All Rights Reserved

UV Nation at One Utama

Thursday, June 14, 2007 ; 12:30 AM

OMFG, is another long time again since I update.
ADA update blog LAH~

Last Saturday, 9th of June 2007, I went to UV Nation held in One Utama.
I think most of the people know about UV Nation,right?
For those who don't know what's UV Nation...
I think is better for you all to stay in home, study all the time, or maybe get your ass on sofa watching the damn TV set you had in home, okay?
So this might help to improve your knowledge...
But nothing can change you, still a farking ass newbie, muahahaha!

Early morning, my sweet girlfriend come to find me 1st before I going out.
So happy at least can meet her for awhile.
After that I'm driving all the way to One Utama.
Ah Yee told me there is a massive jam around the area.
But everything is so smooth, kononnya ADA orang tukar tyre LAH~

Reach there around 3pm.
Meet Mr.Loo there, OMG he looks like one of the character from game.
Because of his Gothic Punk outfit, is it call like that?
Not sure about what their damn fashion call...
He looks so COOL, make all people around looking at him.

This is how he looks like...

After meeting up with him, we walk around in One Utama.
We got nothing to do so we follow people around...Haha!
Then, we stop by A&W and drink root beer with float...
It seems so nice KONON but it's been a long time since I last drink this.

Loo with A&W Root Beer with Float!

Wondering why so many photos of Loo?
Because I can't even take photo for myself...
After that, meet up with Ah Yee, then we search for dinner.
Nothing good, go back to A&W.
Wait for Ah Meng and his girlfriend come...
What suprise me is I saw Ryota wandering around One Utama.
Is been a long time since I see him.
OMG he got piercing on him now.
Order the so called A&W Fried Chicken, not so nice as expected...
Another Root Beer with Float, some more double for me.
At last, Root Beer really PAWN me, you will know later...

So we're going in now for UV Nation!
From the main entrance, we can see a lot of people already came.
The time is 8pm, so many had came for this party.
What really scare me is Ah Meng wear slipper come.
I'm afraid the security doesn't let him go through.
But everything is okay because I feel the security is dumb dumb ass.

Entrance of UV Nation

The 1st feeling to me for this party is I felt I'm inside the underground car park party in the movie The Fast and Furious:Tokyo Drift.
ADA small stage LAH!
Then only know the main stage is not located there.
So we move on and ADA main stage spotted LAH!
OMFG damn lot people.
We manage to move around the stage.

OMG! See the people there!

The dj going to play is DJ Desire.
A female DJ...Damn one thing scared me.
The floor of the parking, is shaking!
I'm worry it would fall, muahahaha!

Bob Sinclair's song with some remix by DJ Desire

Next, after few dance on the floor, my stomach start to pain.
OMG, is the farking damn Root Beer.
The feeling is not like wanna go toilet.
Is feel like vomiting.

So after awhile, is the time for Benny Benassi show himself!
His appearance accompanied by fireworks.
Too bad there is some technical problem after the fireworks.
ADA people jealous Benny Benassi keluar ngan fireworks.
So maybe some people spoil some technical stuff, muahahaha! JK!
Benny Benassi is doing good.
Quite nice and make all the crowds crazy for him.
But many people disappointed because he didn't play Satisfaction.
I wondering why so many people crazy about that song.
I feel "Illusion" is more better than Satisfaction.
Those sohai outside just know how to listen 1 song only...
Buy his whole album and listen LAH~

Benny Benassi appearance with Fireworks!

After Benny Benassi, here comes the farking lame BASS AGENTS.
With the appearance of Xt-Acid and Didjital again.
Their play still the same style.
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom with the sohai same BPM (beat per minute).
But at least they're better than last time in Baze.
BASS AGENTS really got BASS only. Muahahaha!

We move out to get some chill.
This is because is damn hot inside the crowds.
Very stupid thing I saw, water are sell for damn expensive price.
Is a bad idea we didn't purchase any mineral from outside before coming in.

Okay, is time to get in back in the crowds again!
With the help of Mr.Loo gorgeous style, we manage to get in front again.
Haha really need to thanks to him.
Time for DJ Scot Project to come out.
Not bad, quite good and better than Bass Agents.
Organizers of the event shoot some water to us.
Due to our situation, we're very hot, is so cool to being splash with water!
Many of the people cheer for WATER, WATER, WATER!

All of us getting crazy while DJ Scot Project on the stage!

The time is 3am, and the party is end.
Go to pay the car park fees.
I thought is Rm 1 only, but it pop out...
Then I paid it, the damn stupid worst case scenario happen.
When I going to get out, saw a security there, allow us to go out free.
Damn it, I feel like putting in the parking ticket, RM 13 leh tai lou!!!

This is what I become after the party!

Going to fetch 4 of them back home in Wangsa Maju.
But before that, rush to petrol station to buy a mineral water.
Feel so good after that, then fetch Ah Yee back her home 1st.
Because she fall asleep in the car already.
After that, Ah Meng and his girlfriend, and also Loo yam cha together in BRJ.
Now only I know Ah Meng's girlfriend can eat so much thing.
Haha, went back after yam cha session.

Quite a nice party for that day, but become very tired when I get back home.

Copyright © Derrick. 2007 All Rights Reserved

2nd Kuantan Trip

Wednesday, May 30, 2007 ; 9:37 AM

On 26th of May 2007, I went to Kuantan again.
This trip is damn farking bad compare to the 1st time we went there.
There are a lot of bad thing happen during this trip.
And I think all of my members who going to this trip know what is it.

Firstly, everything smoothly when we're on the bus.
So as usual, I fall asleep.
By the time I wake up, I feel damn headache.
That same goes to Mun Tat.
He told me this is because on the road when we pass by Genting, we shouldn't sleep.
Not so sure about the reason. Haha!

Inside of Bulan Restu's Bus.

Jason, Albert, and Mr.Loo inside the bus.

Loo can sleep in whatever situation. Geng!

Then, 3 out of 5 person, that's me, Mun Tat, and Jason...
Went down of the bus at the rest stop to get some food.
Since we doesn't eat any breakfast from the morning.
It's hard for us to choose what to eat, since everything look sucks!
At last, me and Mun Tat choose to eat Maggi Mi Cup Tom Yam which is 66g and more 10g than the other flavor of Maggi Mi Cup. Haha!
Jason eat their Malay Style of Mi Soup.
OMG it's look like will make him stomachache. Haha!

The so called more 10g Maggi Mi Cup Tom Yam, muahahaha!

Jason de Malay Mi Soup, yucks~!

Worst case scenario is, the bus is going to depart.
By that time, we 3 still haven't in the bus yet.
We quickly chase the bus before it reach highway, haha!

Reach liao Kuantan, waiting for that slow motion Yee come fetch us.
Really damn slow motion la that girl.
At the same time, she called her friend Dai Tao(big head) Nie come fetch us too.
Since we don't have enough space for 5 person.
So the 1st bad news in Kuantan, Hotel Vistana is full.
Then we're force to live in Hotel Seasons.
A 2 star farking Hotel which doesn't have any window in the room.
Damn it!

After that, we went to eat the so called Hainan Chicken Rice konon!
I think nothing goes wrong here, the taste still can tahan lah!
Then another worst part, need to wait for Albert to cut his farking hair.
Me and Loo wait for him, then Mun Tat don't want to wait, so he cut together.
That goes same to Jason.
So me and Loo go to a cc behind of the saloon.
Ham Ka Ling it's look like a children's playground.
It's seems like my previous year of Ting Ting Cheong(Arcade).
It's so bored waiting for Albert.
I don't understand why he always wanted to cut his hair in Kuantan.
Is it Kuantan's hairstylist damn good?
I don't think so, want good bring u to KL de Kimarie, A Cut Above, or what ever lah!

Albert's LaLa-Head again!

Night time arrived, Ah Yee said tonight will bring us to eat nice food.
Some more told us the place is nice feel.
I thought at last had somewhere nice to go.
Ok, we reach there already, the place is not as nice as what Ah Yee told us.
I can said Restaurant Rendezvous in Kg.Pandan, KL more better than this.
And this restaurant is call "Crocodile Rocks".
Ok, the time I saw the menu, I thought as usual I'll order lamb chop to eat.
Unfortunately, the menu doesn't contain more than 15 foods if I'm not wrong.
Doesn't have steak at all, KNNCB!
Ok fine, then we ordered pizza, since there are a lot of pizza choice from there.
The pizza came, walao yeah, very CB DULAN lah!
The feeling is like "OMG, I feel like I sudah naik kereta!"
This pizza's chef really impress me.
He can make the pizza damn nipis!
And also by the time we eat the pizza, we can hear the sound of crack-crack.
This is because the pizza is like normal Soda Pang(biscuit).
Ah Meng ordered a burger from there.
Wah the burger hor, very big lah the meat, but I can say that, even Ramly's Burger better than this.
This restaurant completely make me disappointed.

The lame Pizza from Crocodile Rocks

See how thick is this pizza, KNNCB! Roti Kanina better than this

Ah Meng de wonderful patriotic burger.

The next thing we do is, we went to Aloha Kuantan.
At that time, me and Jason stomachache and rush into the Aloha's toilet.
They all is enjoying themselves in Aloha.
Worst case scenario is, when I came out from toilet, police had arrive and checking be held in Aloha.
Aiyo, why so many bad thing happen.
I just come out from toilet, drink also haven't drink.
The funny part was while Jason inside the toilet, the police open the door with key.
After the operation, music and club start again.
I think this operation is totally waste of time.
Aloha, not a nice club at all. Always boast themselves with LIVE-Band.
I listen those Thai's Song until crazy lah!
Albert was drunk that day. Haha!

The Gang of Guyz!

Loo your face is so red, anyway Mun Tat where are you peeping?

After Aloha, we're back to the so called 2-star hotel.
Then we feel hungry, and we decided to walk to the nearest 7-11.
Bought Mi Cup again. But this time is Mamee Brand.
Went back to room, another bad thing come.
The air-cond in our room was damn hot.
I can't even feel the air coming out from the room.
We went to Mun Tat's room which is next to us.
Wah their room damn nice one, quite cold.
Lepak in his room for awhile.
Then we went back to our room and sleep.
Another worst case scenario come.
Our room suddenly back to very cold.
Is just like we're in Everest Mount.
Continue to sleep, don't care!

The next morning, me, Loo, and Ah Meng went to their hotel breakfast.
I thought it would be great breakfast.
Damn it, it's normal nasi lemak being served there.
And also some Nestle's Breakfast which is KoKoCrunch and Corn Flakes!
Wah their porridge really is what we chinese call "Chuk Sui".
Another disappointed case there.

Nice scene hor for the Hotel Cafe?

KokoCrunch lah tu!

After we checked out from hotel, we went to Megamall to find something to eat for our lunch.
Don't know why we can't even find a fast food restaurant around.
Actually there is McD, Pizza Hut, and KFC around, but we didn't see it.
So we went into a restaurant called Oiishi. Maybe in chinese call Ohh Sii(Shit?)

Japanese Restaurant wor, Mun Tat your international sign is great for this restaurant!

Look nice and Japanese feel right?

I think this is the last worst case scenario happen on our Kuantan Trip.
Wow the price is damn good man, not mean cheap, is damn expensive.
Their sushi is more expensive than Sushi King.
No choice, we need to order those cheap cheap thing.
Few bowl of Ramen and Rice.
Their juice completely sucks!
Their rice, it seems their soy sauce it's unlimited.
The taste of the rice is so salty!
Du Lan case is their waitress bring another bowl of noodle come.
There are only 7 of us, and 7 of us already eating.
So whose order is that?
She claimed that we order it and make it like forcing us to take it.
Then I think their supervisor or what lah come and take it away.
Masuk outstanding bill lah! Muahahaha!

See the Sashimi price, very cool huh?

Soy Sauce Rice!

At last is the time to go back to KL!
I think if there is no any special purpose, I won't go to Kuantan again.
This same goes to Mun Tat, Loo, Jason, and Ah Meng.
Albert sure will go there again, muahahaha!
So Jason and Ah Meng know why at 1st we doesn't want to go Kuantan.

Latest photo of me! Muahahaha!

This time there won't be any coloring for my text.
Because it's too long and I'm lazy to do it. Muahahaha!
New semester start, need to concentrate more in study!

Copyright © Derrick. 2007 All Rights Reserved